About Quantic Life2018-11-01T16:53:44+00:00

About Quantic Life

The Latin root word for “doctor” is “educator”. At Quantic Life, education is our Primary role as Practitioners.

Quantum Biofeedback is a non-invasive state-of-the-art technology that energetically scans the strength of your reactions to thousands of electronic signatures of a large number of items.

Using the SCIO Eductor system we will train the body to relax, re-educate muscles and reduce stress. The stress reduction programs engage with your unique biofeedback reactions through five contact points: head, wrists and ankles.

As Biofeedback Practitioners we make suggestions and recommend therapies that may include detoxification, spinal treatment, dental treatment, Neurolinguistic Programming that replaces negative thoughts with positive thoughts and stress reduction. The objective is focused on lifestyle improvement via stress reduction. Prevention is better than cure.

In November 2017, I went for my first Scio Session with Natasha. Natasha was very professional and showed me how my body was doing and healing and also how I can keep on improving. She gave me answers to my questions and what was on my mind or intuition. In the sessions a few of my confirmations came up. It is really worth the investment. Take the time and connect with Natasha. Go for a session!


I feel a whole lot better. Much calmer and more rational. You do amazing work. I am so glad that I’m on the treatment. There is such a phenominal change in Maliq too. You did something that so many psychologists and psychiatrists haven’t been able to do for him. Thank you!


I went to see Natasha because I was always very tired and felt depressed and despondent. She did a consult and found a few things. I followed her advice and literally within days I was a new person! I am amazed at the change in my health with just 2 sessions. My energy levels are higher than they have been in a long time.


Thank you so much Tash, this was beyond anything I could’ve expected. You’re my super hero, you have the ability to show people things that could potentially unlock their true power and so much more than that. I can’t wait for our next session!
