Scio Sessions2020-04-29T13:54:08+00:00

What to expect from your first Session:

First 30 min is a Lifestyle Questionnaire where we chat about any concerns. The Scio Eductor will then perform a full body scan where results and potential risks are interpreted. Eliminatory organs, minerals, amino acids and nutrients are balanced and the session is completed with therapies suggested by the Scio device. 

Scio Sessions

The SCIO Eductor is unlike any other machine, as it has a database of test frequencies for over 11000 substances. It scans the body (much like a virus-scan on a computer) against its immense library of 11000 test substances and then produces a list of items that are causing stress in the body. The Eductor is able to scan your entire body at a speed of approximately 1/100th of a second for each substance. The testing procedure is therefore completed in approximately 3 minutes.

Once your imbalances and stressors have been identified through testing, a unique program is selected from among 85 different vibrational biofeedback therapies to help bring you balance and relief. These therapies are well known, safe, widely accepted, and used daily by thousands of clients/patients/doctors and therapists worldwide.

Some special Scio applications include:


Designed to measure bioresonance and electrically balance the acupuncture points with harmonic resonant frequencies.


Stimulates and adjusts the meridian system utilizing a frequency applied technique.


Balances the subtle energy centres in the being, known as the Chakra system.


A deep balancing protocol designed for stabilizing the trivector (voltage, amperage, resistance) and increasing the client’s energy levels.


Includes several programs designed for muscular re-education for sport injuries and muscular enhancement for sportsmen.


Muscular re-education for injured muscles and pain reduction through MENS (Microcurrent Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation).

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming):

Designed for stress reduction, emotional counseling and stress management on a deep level.


Electromyography biofeedback, simple electroencephalography biofeedback, three-pole electrocardiography biofeedback and galvanic skin response applications to enhance your biofeedback therapy.


Records and balances the reactivity scores to several items in the Matrix.


In addition the SCIO Eductor is capable of transmitting approximately 50 different corrective energies to help the body establish energetic balance for health and well being. This includes locating and unblocking the flow of energy, zapping pathogens, biofeedback, stimulating repair processes, stimulating detoxification, desensitising allergies, reducing stress, balancing emotions, balancing chakras and more.

It is important to understand that the healing, which begins immediately, may, or may not, be distinguishable for a while. The healing process may begin discretely within the body, with small stimuli initiating continuous reactions, which result in major changes. While it is possible that some minor imbalances may be corrected in one session, a series of sessions tend to be most beneficial.

Accreditation: The SCIO Eductor Biofeedback Device is Licensed by the Department of Health in South Africa (license number 770/11964). Natasha is a Certified Biofeedback Practitioner.

Disclaimer: The SCIO system is to be used as a Biofeedback Device. It is designed for stress reduction, relaxation training and muscle re-education. No claims are made of the SCIO Eductor system or its results, and nothing that the SCIO Practitioner does is meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease, nor replace any other treatment. The system is calibrated to measure fine and subtle electrical reactions. Only trained staff should use this device. Please consult your family medical doctor for the diagnosis or treatment of disease, or before undertaking any health program.