What causes Stress?2018-11-01T17:05:55+00:00

What causes stress?

The stress of living in today’s fast-paced world can lead to many pressures upon the body system. Stressors that impact the body include pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi etc), toxins, traumas, nutrient deficiencies, allergies, hereditary disorders, mental factors and contrary energies. These stressors often result in a lowered immune system, chronic pain, low performance, disease, depression, insomnia and emotional discord. The SCIO Eductor is an extraordinary device that can help balance and correct the over-stressed body system through stress reduction. The device works on the theory that stress disrupts the innate electromagnetic frequencies at which the body’s cells resonate. By returning these frequencies to their natural state, the stress and any subsequent illness that occurred, is occurring or may be occurring because of this disruption, may be reduced.

Stress may result from a large number of factors including but not limited to:

HYPER REACTANTS (Allergies) – aromatic oils, caffeine, dander, latex, nicotine, pollen, dust, specific foods, toxic chemical residue and individual-specific allergens cause stress by reducing bodily functions and mental energy, causing lethargy and combating the immune system.

BACTERIA AND VIRUSES – Bacterial and Viral Infections reduce the effectiveness of the Immune System, slow down bodily functions, reduce the supply of nutrients and reduce bodily and mental energy.

CHEMICALS – cleaning aids, fungicides, growth hormones, insecticides and most man-made chemicals attack the immune system, impair breathing and oxygen intake, reduce the ability of the body to absorb nutrients and raise the acidity of bodily cells.

DEHYDRATION – lack of water intake, excessive sweating or urination, diarrhea, drinking too much coffee or carbonated drinks, consuming too much junk food, impairs the body’s ability to absorb nutrients and oxygen on a cellular level.

EMOTIONAL ISSUES– whether resolved or unresolved are major causes of stress.

EMPLOYMENT OR LACK THEREOF– working in a job that one does not love or having Financial Problems is a major cause of stress.

EXERCISE– over exertion causes stress.

FAST FOODS– partially hydrogenated fats, artificial colours, artificial flavourants, artificial preservatives, artificial sweetening agents are toxic to the human organism.

FUNGI AND FUNGAL INFECTIONS– whether inhaled, ingested, externally or internally attacking the body, fungi can cause stress and a large number of psychological and medical stresses.

GENETICALLY ALTERED FOODS– cause asthma, attention deficits, balance issues, behavioural problems, digestive issues, libido problems, memory issues and other disorders which cause stress.

HEADACHES AND MIGRAINES– usually caused by stress, though in some cases there is a biological reason, even then, stress may be the cause underlying the biological issue. Either way, headaches and Migraines cause stress in the body.

IRRADIATION OF FOOD– reduces the life force and nutritional value of food.

LACK OF SLEEP– Sleep issues, whether they are emotional, psychological or medical cause stress.

MEDICAL CONDITIONS, DISEASES OR DISORDERS– whether diagnosed or not, whether they are treated or not, whether improving or not, cause stress in the body.

MICROWAVE RADIATION– from cell phones, microwave ovens, televisions, portable radios and other electronic devices are known stressors, with various effects on people for reasons currently being investigated.

NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES– caused by disease, disorders, poor nutrition or poor absorption of nutrients causes stress.

OVERWORKING– a major cause of stress.

PAIN– including physical injury, mental trauma, emotional trauma or psychological issues, cause stress.

PARASITES– there are thousands of undetectable parasites that infest the human body and they sap the body’s nutrition and energy, thereby causing stress.

PRESCRIPTION DRUGS– and other synthetic and toxic chemicals are implicated in physical and mental diseases, disorders or conditions, which cause stress.

PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS, DISEASES OR DISORDERS– whether diagnosed or not, whether they are treated or not, whether improving or not, cause stress in the body.

RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS– of any kind, are a major cause of stress.